Elliptical, Coil, and Rubber Springs

A leading supplier for Class 1 railroads, overhaulers, and short lines.

We are a leading supplier of elliptical, coil, and rubber springs for the the railroad industry. These items are stocked and ready for quick shipping. Our team can even customize a stocking program for your future orders.

Miller Ingenuity is the exclusive supplier of North American manufactured elliptical springs trusted in the industry for over 20 years.

Whether you’re a Class 1 railroad, a rebuilder, or a short line operator, we deeply value the trust you place in us. We are committed to delivering reliable, high-quality products that meet your unique demands and help keep your operations running smoothly.

Need more information?

Rick Spitzer
AVP Global Sales
rspitzer@milleringenuity.com or 507-459-0240

Kevin Pilger
Technical Sales Manager
kpilger@milleringenuity.com or 507-429-2495

Elliptical Springs, Coil Springs, Rubber Springs, Miller Ingenuity

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