Drax ZoneGuard Yard Protection System Installation
Our team was recently in British Columbia installing our award-winning...
Without a doubt, the employee-in-charge (EIC) plays a crucial role in the protection of a railroad work crew. When it comes to safety on the track, the buck stops with them. Period.
However, the EIC faces a wide array of safety challenges while on the track, including the unexpected approach of on-coming trains. They have many responsibilities and cannot be everywhere at the same time.
To ensure the safety of their crew, the EIC’s need an extra layer of protection to help do their job. That “extra layer” comes in the form of Miller Ingenuity’s electronic worker protection system – ZoneGuard. The patent-pending ZoneGuard system creates a protective zone around the railway workers using a combination of redundant and diverse train detection sensors and wearable warning devices. ZoneGuard can expand to a 6-mile protective zone that will alert an EIC of on-coming trains through a self-healing radio connectivity. This electronic safety overlay grants the EIC’s a piece of mind that their roadway crew is safe.
We are actively scheduling meetings with railroad executives, managers and potential users of Electronic Train Detection and Warning for Roadway Workers.
Please contact us to ensure your voice is counted as we create this groundbreaking, next generation technology.
Kevin Smith, Senior VP Sales & Marketing – (904) 608-9676
Joe Denny, Product & Market Specialist – (585) 223-1026
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